Tuesday 12 July 2016

Genie in a device!

What’s a genie to you? What would be your ideal definition of it? I’ll tell you mine. A genie to me is someone who helps me out. I don’t really have any unrealistic wishes that I need some genie to fulfil for me. I’m more realistic. I would rather ask the genie to help me out with real world problems if I ever met one.

Real world problems:
I am a 35-year-old man and I drive a cab for a living.  The quality of my passengers varies from sweet to abusive. I can be sweet to someone who’s being sweet to me but I can’t be abusive to someone who’s being abusive to me. I would lose my job if I do so. As they wisely say, “customer is always right”. That’s the most absurd statement according to me but I still have to comply with it. It kills me not to say anything back whey they are cursing me.

Every kitchen has a chimney. The smoke generated when while cooking needs a way out.
You can’t live in a house full of smoke. For me, the smoke was the frustration I used to get from abusive customers. And even I needed some thing to let the smoke out. My most convenient option was my family! Not a day went by without me venting it out on my family. I used to feel pathetic. But I simply couldn’t help it. It used to happen organically.

On the edge:
This started affecting my sleep which in return affected my driving. Sometimes I have to drive late night as well and I can’t lose focus while driving in the dark. One wrong move and I could be dead. I was living life on the edge and I didn’t like it. I can’t change my job. Every job comes with its flaw. I can’t keep changing jobs because I can’t handle the work stress. I needed a better approach to handle the situation.

Remember I said sometimes I get sweet customers too. Well this one particular customer changed my life around.  She struck a conversation by asking me how I like my job. I narrated my story to her. She felt sorry for me. She told me about Moksha and that I should get one at the earliest. I researched on Moksha and found out that it’s an audio device which heals you from the inside with its positive vibrations. It helps in reducing stress and produces more positivity in you. I got mine and started using it. Moksha has a battery life of 6 hours. So on full charge, I can use it for 4 to 5 times which is perfect for me. I charge it completely and then carry it with me everywhere I go. When I don’t have any customers, I simply switch on the device and start using it. Moksha has helped me to a great extent. It helps me keep calm around the not so great customers. I no more lash out at my family. I’m now happy with my job and around my family. I can sleep better.

That’s why I say, I found my genie in Moksha.

Charity begins at home!

Think of me as a helper to a local community who unfortunately completely neglected his own family. I am a member of parliament. My voters look up to me. This is my story of how I got so engrossed in helping the community that I completely overlooked the problems existing in my life and in my family.

I am quite an influential man. People come to me with their troubles and I try my best to help them out. It’s a tedious job. People want their problems solved but they are unaware of the process that goes behind it. It affects my reputation if somehow I’m not able to help them. My reputation affects my power and eventually my job! My opponents feed on just about any chance they get to go against me. I have a well paying job but it comes with a lot of stress.

I barely get any time to spend with the family. I’ve provided them all the luxuries of the world except my presence! I wouldn’t know of any problems my kids have if at all they have any. I keep promising my self to take out time to be with the family but it just doesn’t happen which stresses me out even more. Even the little time that I spend with them, I’m usually on calls. I use curse words around my family which I’m not really proud of. My wife keeps complaining that If I’m not able to solve my own family problems, how would I possibly solve any one else’s. I started getting headaches with all this stress. I started staying sick. Meeting and helping my voters started becoming difficult by each passing day and all this started affecting my reputation.

I approached my wife for help. She agreed on one condition that I’ll have to be around the family much more frequently than I use to be. I first apologized for not being there and then I obviously agreed to her condition. She told me about Swartantra. She said she’s been meditating with a device called Moksha by Swartantra to reduce all the frustration and stress she got from me! I immediately asked her to lend me her device.  She said it doesn’t work that way. Her device was personalized in accordance with her birth date and location. My Moksha too will be personalized in accordance with my details. I ordered mine immediately. I started meditating with Moksha daily. The best part is that it’s a handy device with a pretty good battery life. So I can just carry it with me where ever I go and when ever I get free time, I meditate. I can’t thank my wife enough. Moksha is magical. It works its magic with the first use itself. I feel much more peaceful now. I regained my health and got back to helping people. I now keep a fine balance between my job and my family. My voters are happy and so is my family.

Monday 11 July 2016

Weight loss with science

You might get a little confused with the title. Don’t worry, I’m here to explain everything. I am a 39-year-old house wife and this is the story of my weight loss journey with science, technology and faith!

I used to be a healthy lady. I wouldn’t say fit but I was alright, not that fat. It is during pregnancy when I started gaining weight which is normal. I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. With a baby in my life, I never really got the time to do light exercises to loose weight post pregnancy. I kept busy with the baby. As my daughter grew old, I grew fat! I had started eating much more than a normal human should. I didn’t know how I felt hungry all the time. I fed my hunger every time with huge proportions of food. Eventually I couldn’t sleep if I hadn’t had sufficient amount of carbs. Now I had entered the danger zone. I was officially under the obese category. My family started getting concerned. Even I realized that there is definitely something wrong with me and I need to find out what. I had to take immediate action because all the weight was starting to give me health problems.

Stress eating:
After consulting my family doctor, he said that I was stress eating. A lot of things in my life used to stress me out like my daughter’s future, her marriage, my future etc. I do tend to overthink things. And all this stress used to make feel hungry all the time. I was completely surprised with the theory but unfortunately it was very accurate. I never knew that subconsciously I’ve been depositing a lot of stress in the back of my mind and that these were its adverse effects.


My family doctor suggested me this device called Moksha. He said that this is something he has advised to a lot of people for reducing stress and all of them had given a positive feedback. He said just exercising won’t do the trick. As soon as you are stressed, you’ll start eating again. He asked me to get my personalized device and meditate with it daily for a little while. I followed his advice and started meditating with Moskha on a daily basis. I saw fabulous results just within 3 months of its use. I lost almost 20 kgs. Moksha didn’t just help me to loose weight but I also now feel much positive and stress free. I am happy to live in a generation where technology can do just about anything.
Can’t run away from your past

I am a 45-year-old man and this is my story of how I cannot lead a normal life anymore. I am an ex-convict. I was released form the prison 3 years back. I have left the life of crime but the society thinks otherwise and still treats me like a criminal. I’ve got no friends. My family doesn’t want to be in touch me and the worst of all, no body will give me a job because of my past.

I use to steal cars and then sell them with all the necessary paper work. I was a pro at what I did. I had quite the reputation in the hood. This is not something that I’m proud of. But back then I was living the dream, a stolen dream. At the age of 22, I had made more money than my entire family collectively. I was busted when I was 23. I have served 19 years in prison!

Lesson Learned:
A day didn’t go by without me regretting what I did. I used to repent my choices everyday. Prison taught me a lot. I lost my family, my friends and not to mention I lost all the money I had earned. No body visited me in those 19 years. My family was ashamed to claim me as their own. I use to sit and contemplate everyday that after my release, will things ever go back to normal?

Free to go:
I was released at the age of 42. I lost my teenage years to prison. All my friends had achieved a lot till then. They were married, had a family of their own and most importantly, they were happy! My release was a new beginning for me. But I was little too late for new beginnings. I don’t have a college degree, no education, no special skill set, nothing! Only thing I was good at was conning people.

1st impression is the last impression:
After my release, I wanted to take up a job and live a normal crime free life. Only problem, nobody would hire me because of my past. I’m still a criminal according to the society. Nobody believes a word I say. I’m trying to change but society won’t let me.

Past haunts:
All this was very frustrating and I had no one to go to for help. Sometimes all the stress made rethink if I should get back to stealing cars as after all I had to feed myself. I don’t want to be a criminal again. I want to lead a clean life. I want to give it back to the society but the society won’t let me. Stress, frustration and starvation started giving me negative thoughts. I started distracting my self from such thoughts. They started coming more frequently and it started becoming more difficult to dodge them.

Out of 1000 letters that I wrote to my family, one of them must have worked its charm!  My brother secretly started meeting me. He started feeling sorry for me and decided to help me out. He bought me a magical device by Swartantra. It’s called Moksha. He said this was specially made for me and the positive vibrations that it will produce, will help me reduce all the stress and frustration and will make fighting negative thoughts much easier. I started using it everyday. I am very thankful to my brother for gifting me Moskha in the real sense.

I don’t know if my life will ever be the same or not but I know one thing for sure, I will never be a criminal again. Ever.

Sunday 10 July 2016

Dark alleys of my life

Eating eggs before they hatch is not really killing of the animals. But aborting a kid before its birth is a full fledged murder. At least that’s how I see it. This is the story of my wife and how she killed 3 of my children.

Split persona:
My wife used to work with an airline company. She used to schedule the flights for them. She was always under constant pressure. If something went wrong with the timings, she got blamed. This used to frustrate her. She never really did anything about it. Never asked anyone to help her or to shift her to some other department. She always came home either upset or frustrated. This started affecting our marriage. She started suppressing all her feelings. She stopped emoting! She became a corporate robot. All the suppression developed an alter ego in her which wasn’t really pleasant.

In your face:
The 2nd persona that she had developed was pretty blunt and rude. She started becoming very selfish. Our love life went for a toss. She went for an abortion the first time she got pregnant. I was completely shocked. It wasn’t that we were planning on having a kid but that does also not mean that she had the right to abort the child without my consent. I was shattered. When I confronted her, she backfired saying what your problem is. It’s my body! I knew this wasn’t the person I married and this was all because of the alter ego she had developed.

Her behavior became more and more offensive by each passing day. She went for two more abortions and there was nothing I could do or say to stop her! My life became a living hell. I was helpless and didn’t know whom to approach for help.

I approached her family and told them about the situation. Her father is a spiritual healer. He told me about Swartantra. He said all the accumulated frustration and stress was the cause of that evil persona. Swartantra will help her with all the positive vibes and make her a better person again. I was desperate for any possible solution. I decided to go with Swartantra. I ordered a Moksha device by Swartantra which produces vibrations which helps in depleting negativity and soothing the soul. I forced my wife to meditate daily for a short while with Moksha. It took a while but I definitely started witnessing positive results. Today, I can proudly say that my wife has fully recovered and I can’t thank enough to this amazing technology. I can’t bring my dead children back but I surely did prevent the future deaths of my potential children.

It is actually rocket science!

I am normal guy with a normal lifestyle. I got no stress or anything to worry about in my life. When I hear horrible stories about people doing horrible things under stress, I sort of always wonder how bad it can actually be.

No stress:
I can’t really say that I have any stress. I lead a worry free life. I don’t work nor do I have to worry about money. My father earns sufficient enough for the whole family to spend. Don’t get me wrong but when there’s an option to do nothing, I prefer to do nothing!

Like I mentioned earlier, I got no worries in my life. I live a healthy and a stress free life. But somehow, I’m always restless and don’t know why which is bad. I can’t act on something I’m not aware of. And at least according to me, there’s nothing that can trouble me. Then why am I restless all the time? How can I possibly further normalize my already normal life?

Upon doing a bit of my own research, I found out that restlessness can have multiple sources. It can be a particular situation bothering you or it can be a psychological thing. I can’t think of any situation that I’m troubled with. So I concluded that this probably is a psychological thing. May be it’s all in my head. Whatever the source may be, I wanted to get rid of that feeling. It wasn’t pleasant.

I shared my worry with one of my close friend. He told me to checkout Swartantra. He even forwarded me its Facebook page link. Upon inquiring, I found out that Swartantra promotes healthy stress free lifestyle. Moksha is a device by Swartantra which combines amazing technology and faith to cure basic level health problems. Moksha is customized as per an individual’s birth year and location for it to produce personalized positive vibrations. All this was very fascinating and too good to be true. The helpless me decided to give it a shot. I ordered the device and started meditating with it on a daily basis. Only in a little while, I started noticing the difference in me. I started keeping calm. I felt more peaceful and relaxed. The best part is that I can carry the device with me everywhere I go. It packs a battery life of 6 hours. So on a full charge, I can use it about 4 to 5 times.

So if you are one of those who think you have 0 stress, you either are lying to yourself or are unware of its existence.

Saturday 9 July 2016

I’m a half-murderer

There was a point in my life when stress almost made me kill myself literally. This happened during a very successful period in my life. But it was also a very stressful time. I wasn’t really good at managing my stress. The way I handled that stress severely impacted my health.

Half Murderer:
I felt like a ping pong ball which is continuously being beaten by life on one end and stress on the other. I gave up on my will to live. I wasn’t enjoying anything. I felt this was it for me and that it’s better to die peacefully than to live horribly.

I am a novelist by profession. I live in the world of fiction. My imagination has no limits. It can take me to wonderful places but it can also take to dark alleys. I got no control over my imagination and in a way, I like it like this. As a writer, I love to explore even the dark sides of my mind. It makes me more creative. What I fear is that I might get stuck in the dark world.

Stress is normal but not managing it right is not normal. Stress amplifies the negativity in me which eventually gives me darker thoughts. Thoughts that I fear might someday come true! Too much of darkness and negativity got me depressed. I started staying unhappy and gave up on life. I killed my own will to live.

I realized I need to bring about some changes in my life. I can’t change my profession. I love writing and for that I need my imagination to run wild and free. So I decided to change the approach.  My neighbor meditates daily and he says it helps him a lot to get through the day. So I asked him if I could meditate with him. That’s when he informed me about Swartantra. At Swartantra, they create a device which helps in reducing stress with positive vibrations. These vibrations are created separately for every separate individual. I got mine at the earliest and started mediating with it on a daily basis. The result was amazing. I’m not only more productive at my writing, but also much happier in life. 

It is actually rocket science!

I am normal guy with a normal lifestyle. I got no stress or anything to worry about in my life. When I hear horrible stories about people doing horrible things under stress, I sort of always wonder how bad it can actually be.

No stress:
I can’t really say that I have any stress. I lead a worry free life. I don’t work nor do I have to worry about money. My father earns sufficient enough for the whole family to spend. Don’t get me wrong but when there’s an option to do nothing, I prefer to do nothing!

Like I mentioned earlier, I got no worries in my life. I live a healthy and a stress free life. But somehow, I’m always restless and don’t know why which is bad. I can’t act on something I’m not aware of. And at least according to me, there’s nothing that can trouble me. Then why am I restless all the time? How can I possibly further normalize my already normal life?

Upon doing a bit of my own research, I found out that restlessness can have multiple sources. It can be a particular situation bothering you or it can be a psychological thing. I can’t think of any situation that I’m troubled with. So I concluded that this probably is a psychological thing. May be it’s all in my head. Whatever the source may be, I wanted to get rid of that feeling. It wasn’t pleasant.

I shared my worry with one of my close friend. He told me to checkout Swartantra. He even forwarded me its Facebook page link. Upon inquiring, I found out that Swartantra promotes healthy stress free lifestyle. Moksha is a device by Swartantra which combines amazing technology and faith to cure basic level health problems. Moksha is customized as per an individual’s birth year and location for it to produce personalized positive vibrations. All this was very fascinating and too good to be true. The helpless me decided to give it a shot. I ordered the device and started meditating with it on a daily basis. Only in a little while, I started noticing the difference in me. I started keeping calm. I felt more peaceful and relaxed. The best part is that I can carry the device with me everywhere I go. It packs a battery life of 6 hours. So on a full charge, I can use it about 4 to 5 times.

So if you are one of those who think you have 0 stress, you either are lying to yourself or are unware of its existence.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Inner peace, not really a myth!

I am a local preacher and the most recurring question I hear from people is that is inner peace really a myth? Every body wants to be happy at their core and lead a healthy life in this stress filled world. But is it really possible?

Let me answer this question; it is totally possible. Inner peace in not a myth. It is as real as any other thing in your life. I am a living proof. But unfortunately, a lot of people think the contrary. They don’t even know what really inner peace is. They don’t even know where to begin.

Living proof:
Apart from being a local preacher, I also handle my family business of construction. It’s a tough industry. Anger, stress, fights, all these are a usual part of my daily life. I ideally would love to keep my professional and personal life separate but it isn’t really feasible. I sometimes get calls even at odd hours of night. Before I knew about Moksha’s existence, I use to be frustrated all the time. I used to talk in a very arrogant manner which eventually frustrates the person on the other end and it becomes contagious. It spreads like fire and no body works well under a frustrated mental state. So this affected my projects badly which made me frustrated and angry all the more. I started shouting at just about any one. My family and friends started calling me “junglee”.  I eventually realized that I have to do something about this. I can’t stay frustrated and angry all the time. My grandfather then told me about Moksha.

Moskha is a device by Swartantra. Swartantra is well known for healing health problems. Moksha produces positive vibrations which are different for every individual. The device is crafted as per your birth date and birth location. This personalization gives you better results. Meditating daily with Moksha helped me reduce my frustration. I never miss a session. In fact, meditating with Moksha is the highlight of my day. It keeps me calm and makes me feel better about myself.

Inner Peace:
I am able to keep a fine balance between my professional and personal life now. Very rarely I get frustrated. This is my definition of inner peace and it is totally not a myth!

Failure, it’s not always good

Learn from your failures they say. Stand up to life and punch it in the face, get up every time you fall and try a little harder the next time, these and many more such quotes. I’ve had my inbox full with such messages since the past 3 years. What my well wishers don’t get is that not every failure is repairable!

Lord of the ring:
I used to be a professional boxer. Usually by the 3rd round of the fight, I would have my opponent knocked out. Focus, endurance, strength and stamina were my best friends. I was unbeatable. My goal was to win the world championship title which at that moment was pretty far from where I stood. But I was getting close to it with every fight I fought and won.

It isn’t easy to be a boxer. All of it isn’t easy. It’s takes a lot of efforts and sacrifices. I was young, dynamic and had a great fan following. All my friends at that age were married and I was busy training for my goals. I was advised not to have a family as it would be a major distraction. I was a little upset about that. Everyone needs that someone special in their life. But I kept myself motivating with bigger picture which was the world championship title. There were times when thoughts like not having a family would pull me down especially when I was stressed. Stress use to amplify my every negative emotion. Yoga and meditation would help to certain extent but somehow the stress was getting stronger. Closer I came to my goal, stronger became the stress levels.

I wasn’t really aware of any breakthrough remedies for curbing my stress levels. Stress started keeping me distracted all the time. It started weakening me at a very important phase of my life. It started affecting my performance in a major way and there was very little I could do about it.

Sucker Punch:
One fine fight changed my life. Like for any other fight, I was well prepared for this one too. And like for any other fight, I was stressed for this one too. Only difference was that I let stress take over me. I was almost on the verge of getting knocked out in the first round itself. Somehow I survived and that was the turning point of my life. I was completely distracted and more than my vision, my focus was blurred. Before I could get a hold of what was happening, I got hit by a power jab! I was knocked out obviously. But this wasn’t the worst part. The punch had pushed me real hard towards the turnbuckle. At that moment, I had passed out with the punch itself and had no clue as to how severe it was. As I regained my consciousness in the hospital, I got to know that the fall had twisted my neck permanently! I simply couldn’t move my neck. It was completely paralyzed. The doctors said this is going to stay this way till I die followed by the other bad news that I can’t fight anymore. I wanted to pull the plug there itself. My life had no meaning left. I couldn’t fight anymore, I had no family of my own and my goal was flushed down the drain. I fell in a pit of depression.


My doctor informed me about Swartantra. He said that it can help you heal psychologically. They are known for promoting healthy stress free lifestyle. Moskha is a device by Swartantra which produces positive vibrations which are customized for every individual. I started using Moksha and I can say it definitely works. My depression reduced to quite an extent. If only somebody had informed me about this before, I would have had my health now. It could have been worst though. I was suicidal for a long time. I’m still glad that I was introduced to it before it was too late.
Keep calm and believe in yourself!

Until now, the “keep calm” internet posts were nothing but just memes to me. I use to come across them, laugh about it and move on. I am a 25-year-old girl and this story is about my hypertension.

I’m a MBA student. I go through a lot during working college days. I run around a lot for my projects and have to deal with a lot of idiots on a daily basis. I am short tempered, like extremely short tempered. I once yelled at my mom because she woke me at 6:55 am instead of 7 am! All my classmates keep on telling me to calm down and take it easy but I simply can’t do it.

I am already suffering from hypertension and stress tends to amplify this condition of mine.
On days when I am too stressed, I start getting anxiety attacks. I get hit by depression too. Suicidal thoughts have crossed my mind a couple of times. I don’t know how longer I can fight them.

After noticing my demonic behavior, my friends and family suggested me to opt for some stress reliving activities like yoga or some light exercises. They also advised me to take some prescribed medicines to mellow out. I did give certain things a try but I guess they weren’t meant for me. I needed something effective and powerful to reduce my stress levels and get rid of anxiety and depression.


I came across this unique technology called Moksha on the internet. Not many were aware of this technology, so there was no way for me to validate its authenticity without trying out myself. And that’s exactly what I did. The device was carefully curated taking my birth year and location into consideration for better results. It’s an audio device that you have to meditate with. Spending only a little time with Moksha everyday gave me fabulous results. I started staying more calm and happy. My anxiety and depression started fading away. I now manage my days in a much better manner.  If only I knew about Moksha before I demonstrated my demonic side to my friends and family, I could have avoided all the embarrassment. 
I had it all!

You know how they say that you need to control your emotions, I learned it’s importance the hard way! I am a professional singer and this is the story of my journey from fame to ashes!

You might have heard stories of people rising to fame from ashes but mine is the other way around! I am a professional singer, a famous one too. My father too was a professional singer. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth. I never really had to do much to bag gigs in the industry. That being said, I genuinely do have a good voice too. My father’s network was an add on.

I was a hit with my first single itself. I started getting shows back to back. I use to be booked for months in advance. It was a wonderful phase. I was doing what I love and not just that, I was good at it too. I was paid handsomely for my work. It all felt like a dream.

Stress was a major part of my daily schedule. Be it with producers, event organizers or even with family sometimes, I had to deal with a lot of stress. My dad used to advice me on concerts that I should or shouldn’t do. I never really listened to him. I did what I felt was right and this used to upset him. But when my decisions proved to be right, it used to help me blow some steam off. All that stress would temporarily just vanish. So I never bothered doing anything about it. I thought time was taking caring of it. I was wrong!

Soon the stress started getting the best of me. I started fighting with the producers. I cancelled sold out shows. I started yelling at my father too. I started becoming a horrible person. Nobody wanted to produce my songs anymore. Nobody wanted to organize my concerts. I had it all, fame, money, family and I lost it all to stress.


Doesn’t matter how hard you despise your family, your family will always love you back. My father got me introduced to Swartantra. He said just like his voice, Swartantra will help you sooth your soul. I thought he was being jovial. I got my personalized device from Swartantra called Moksha. It’s a device you can meditate with to manage your stress and feel more peaceful. It actually does what it says. I haven’t stopped using it since my first use. I haven’t completely recovered my career as yet, but I am proud that I became a better person again. 

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Stress - the worst drug. Ever.

I always thought that addiction is a silly thing. I have come across people who claim to have no sorts of addiction and that they can leave smoking and drinking anytime they want to. I myself was a chain smoker but I wasn’t addicted to smoking.  One day I just gave up smoking. I never had to stop my self from smoking or control my urge, nothing! It just happened and I never felt like smoking after that day. So I always thought there is no such thing as addiction and that if you’re strong willed, you can overcome pretty much any habit.
Stress Symptoms:
I am a well educated guy. I have had my share of alcohol and drugs in my yesteryears. But there was nothing that I couldn’t control.  I’ve had nominal levels of stress in my day to day life like any other individual. I use to manage it well. I had maintained a good balance in my life. Stress is something I never really took seriously. I would do nothing about it and just let it accumulate. Over a period of years, I started noticing minor changes in my behavior. I started feeling low. I started getting mood swings. I was affected by borderline depression too. All of this wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was, that I was somehow liking it!

It was a sick thought but I couldn’t help it. I was enjoying whatever that feeling was. Stress became like a drug to me. More I’m stressed, more pathetic I get and more I enjoy that state! It was no joke. My friends and family got worried sick. I use to feed my addiction almost on a daily basis.

Chronic Stress:
I did a bit of research to find out more about my condition. I got to know that I’m suffering from chronic stress and I was addicted to its symptoms. If you don’t manage your stress well which I thought I did, it can develop into chronic stress which is far more dangerous. Chronic stress can promote depression. Even after reading up on all of this, I never made any efforts to cure my condition. It started to affect my family in a big way. No body likes to see their child walk down the road of self destruction.

My grandmother decided to put her foot down and owned up the responsibility of curing me. She got this weird Ipod like device for me and said that this is going to help me out. All I had to do is listen to it everyday. I chuckled because I thought my grandmother had completely lost it. So just for her satisfaction, I started using Moksha. The first time I used it, I felt a bit weird but in a nice way. I didn’t really pay much attention to how I felt and just started using Moksha on a daily basis. Little did I know, I was subconsciously getting cured! My behavior started changing. I started becoming more positive. I still get stressed but I no more like staying stressed like I use to.  Every time my dark side feels like coming out. I just let Moksha take care it.

No more a family man

A charted accountant by profession and a part time punching bag by chance - this is a story of a man who has loved and lost pretty much everything. This is my story!

Being the only child of my parents, I was more pampered than the usual kids. Or at least that’s how I felt. My parents love me a little too much. They are possessive and overprotective about me which is a bit weird for a guy’s parents! I had to make calls to my parents every time I changed my location. I would make a call if I was on my way to college, another call once I reach college, lunch call, left from college call, heading for classes call, hanging out with my friends call, call to explain why I couldn’t attend their call and many more calls! It was all too very overwhelming in the start but as I grew older, it started getting a bit irritating. Not to mention all my friends made fun of me. Girls in my group collectively never would have made as many calls as I did to parents.

My marriage was arranged by my mother’s sister. She found a very lovely girl. We had approved each other in the first meet itself. She knew very little about me and my family but that didn’t stop us from getting married. The first few months were magical. Like they say, it was the honeymoon period.

Punching bag:
My wife wasn’t really happy with the overprotective nature of my parents. She somehow thought it was her job! So now I had to make to calls to my wife too! It was like a competition between my wife and my parents as to who can be more protective about me! I couldn’t really stand up to either of them. It started stressing me out. I started feeling like a punching bag. My parents started complaining to me about my wife and vice versa. I felt like a time bomb who can explode anytime.

And I did explode:
Not knowing how to handle my stress any better, my frustrated self just exploded one fine day. This event took place at a special family dinner where my close relatives were present too. I turned that special dinner in to a living hell for everybody present there. I said horrible things that I can’t take back. I was abusive at the dining table. No body knew that this side of me existed, not even me! I lost the love I use to get from my family and my wife. Both despise me now. We are now just individuals living together mechanically like robots.


Somehow I’m more blessed than I think. After witnessing my condition, my father’s sister who was present at that special dinner told me about Swartantra. I did my own little research on it and found out that Swartantra promotes healthy stress free lifestyle which I was desperately in need of.  Without a second thought, I decided to give it a try. And Swartantra did wonders for me. Moksha is device by Swartantra which curbs your stress levels with positive vibrations. With every session with Swartantra, I started feeling better and better about myself. My family and my wife saw the changes in me. I became calmer which helped me make my professional and personal decisions very wisely. I wouldn’t say I’m absolutely back to the normal state and that I got no more problems in my family, but I can surely say that day isn’t far away.

Monday 4 July 2016

Stress almost got me bankrupt!

My story might sound like a nightmare from a tragedy movie but unfortunately it is as real as it gets. I think the month was March in 2011 when I along with my friend had just ventured in the apparel industry. Dresses and tops were our forte and we did some good business for a while. I was quite in the happy zone as I never really knew what “loss” meant cause our profit charts were at a all time high. It was my first successful venture without any prior experience and the very thought of this used to give me a high. I used to celebrate and how - alcohol, women, drugs were my 3 am friends. Success got to me but this story isn’t about my success.

Hello downfall!
Like I mentioned earlier, I never really had seen any loss in the business or in my personal life. I was completely unaware about the 123s of handling loss and how to emotionally react to a particular situation such as this. My business faced a major setback in 2014. I was psychologically paralyzed. I went under a lot of stress and that stress influenced a lot my decisions which further destroyed my business even more. I couldn’t feed my habits anymore. I was running out of money and had no clue how to deal with this particular state of mind.

Quick Fix!
While I was going through this horrendous storm of life, a friend of mine introduced me to gambling. He said and I quote him “Wave your financial troubles goodbye bro!” Little did I know, gambling would become the very root cause of all my financial troubles.
As a rookie at gambling, I started small and to my surprise I was doing good like I did in my venture! I started re-connecting with that feeling of achievement! I started betting big, like real big. I lost some and I won some. Point being, I was able to recover the losses because all I had to do is bet again! It was the same procedure only with different outcome! This went on for a while and honestly I was starting to get comfortable.  Then one day my destiny again tested my strength. I was on the gambling table about to gamble my life away. I was losing money which wasn’t the worst part. The worst part was that I wasn’t recovering any money. With every loss, I was betting a bigger amount for the next round. I kept loosing and loosing even more. I was running out of money. It felt like my venture all over again. With no clue at hand, I was about to make the biggest mistake of my life. I was about to bet myself and if I had lost, I wouldn’t be any better than a slave!

A good advice!
Right at that moment, the very friend who had introduced me to gambling intervened and pulled me back. I’m not going to narrate the tale of my recovery but I will tell you one simple thing that there is always a better way to handle your stress! I was introduced to Swartantra by my elder sister who could not see me in such miserable condition anymore. It has a device called Moksha which is a unique technology that helps controlling stress with positive vibrations. I can’t control things which are out of my league like the loss I faced but now I sure can control stress which basically wins half the battle. Some choose smoking, some choose alcohol and some choose the better way, the Swartantra way. The choice is yours to make!

Fight depression the better way! 

Depression is not ‘just sadness’ and stress is not ‘just stress’. Both can have adverse effects on your personal and professional life. It certainly did affect mine! I always thought that depression is a mild condition and like any other tough situation in my life, I can overcome depression too! And I did, but let me tell you, it wasn't easy until someone told me about Moksha – a miraculous product by Swartantra.

Stress in my life never really had one single source. Sometimes my boss made me work overtime for long durations. At times my family asked me for vacations that I couldn’t afford. And sometimes lying on the behalf of my friends to their family got me stressed! This was something inevitable! I mean couldn't just simply leave my job, family or friends! I love them all. Everyone gets stressed and escaping is not really a solution!

I never really got to know exactly when I was hit by depression but it all started with stress. Because of my inability to handle my stress, I started getting depressed. I started behaving like a kid! This started affecting my personal and professional life. My colleagues and my family started keeping their distance from me which made me depressed all the more!

I always hated smoking and despised smokers. Every time I asked a smoker why they smoke, they said “to reduce stress”. I never really understood the logic though that how would smoke help in reducing stress? But apparently somehow it did and hence a lot of them use to do it. So not knowing of a better solution, even I resorted to smoking! And it didn’t really help. In fact, it started affecting my health.

Knowing my situation, my mother got worried. She started searching for solutions and that is when she came across Moksha. Moksha is a unique device which can help reduce your stress levels. I was skeptical at first but I had nothing to lose. So I decided to give Moksha a chance and to my surprise, I started seeing results right from the 1st use itself.  The device was personalized in accordance with my birth year and location. It produces positive vibrations suitable to me who helps me manage and reduce my stress levels.

Road to a better path:

I obviously never looked back after the first use. I not only overcame my stress but also got rid of depression. I meditate daily with Moksha. I am thankful to my mother for introducing me to Moksha and I would personally recommend giving it a shot. Say goodbye to depression the better way, the Moksha way!